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Teeth Whitening Treatments: High In Demands These Days

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Teeth whitening treatments have become increasingly en vogue these days, and are one of the most regularly performed cosmetic dental health services.  There are 3 different techniques and many brands of products that people can use to whiten their teeth. Teeth Whitening in Manchester is safe as long as have no cracks and cavities in your teeth. 

Your natural tooth color can be affected by several factors. For example- Surface stains & internal discoloration can be caused by using tobacco, drinking coffee, tea, the natural aging process, colas or red wine, and eating pigmented foods such as blueberries and cherries. Apart from this, accumulation of plaque and tartar deposits, treatment with the antibiotic tetracycline particularly during childhood and ingesting too much fluoride when teeth are forming, which provides teeth a "mottled" look, are some of the other reasons that can affect your teeth color.

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To use different products available in the market to consumers such as toothpaste, mouthwash and so on are the least expensive whitening option. But, some of these products do not include enough carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide to be significantly effective. So, if you can afford professional teeth whitening treatments provided by professional dentist must understand that it is not a permanent solution unless you are willing to change your eating and oral care habits to sustain good results.

Reasons For Whitening Your Teeth:

A younger look

The boost to your confidence that comes from a beautiful smile

For many special occasions or events like a wedding, engagement, birthday bash party, job interview, etc.

To make a positive first impression on others and to reverse years of everyday yellowing and staining.

Be sure to consult with your Cosmetic Dentist in Manchester before beginning any whitening procedure because only a doctor can evaluate whether you are a suitable candidate for a particular dental surgery or not.

How To Maintain And Treat Sensitive Teeth After Teeth Whitening

Teeth can be sensitive after whitening treatments. You can reduce the pain by.

Using a sensitivity toothpaste: Keep in mind that sensitive toothpaste contains elements like potassium nitrate to relieve the pain.

Chewing gum: Do you know that when chewing gum, more saliva is produced, and the act of chewing can distract you from the pain. You can give your teeth a break and do not use whitening products.

Avoiding the consumption of products that stain your teeth. If you do choose to consume drinks that stain, then use a straw so that the liquid bypasses your front teeth. Keep in mind that brush or rinse your teeth instantly after consuming stain-causing beverages.

Must follow good oral hygiene practices. Brush your teeth twice daily (in the morning and after having dinner) and floss once daily to remove plaque. Also, use a whitening toothpaste to remove surface stains and prevent yellowing.
You may need a touch-up every 5 or 6 months depending on the whitening method used. Additionally, you may need a touch up every 2 or 3 months if you smoke or drink plenty of stain-causing beverages.
