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Snoring treatment Manchester

Problems with snoring are increasing year on year with issues associated with both the actual snorer and partners complaining of sleep disturbance.There are many reasons why people snore from being tired, overweight, weak soft palate tissues, smoking or genetic.  The truth is we are not always sure why you snore, however if you do snore we do know you get a poor night’s sleep and wake up tired.  You wake up tired as you keep waking up during the night due to poor oxygen levels in your blood.  Additionally your partner suffers and it is a well known fact that this issue of snoring can cause relationship issues.

We provide an experienced snoring treatment service here at our clinic Carisbrook dental in Manchester.  After an assessment with our dentists and a sleep analysis any findings will be discussed with you in detail.  There are many different types of treatments available from surgery, hypnotherapy to mouth appliances.  At our clinic we only concentrate on mouth appliances as they are safe and involve no surgery.  We think this type of treatment is effective as it deals with why we snore.  When we snore our soft palate relaxes too much and drops to the back down towards the throat, it then vibrates as the air passes past it creating the classic snoring sound.  Additionally it reduces our oxygen intake, leading to patients waking up.

Our Snoring Treatment involves two comfortable mouth gaurds that push your lower and upper jaws against each other stretching the soft palate.  This then prevents the snoring sound and helps you breath better.  It’s a very simple affordable and works, just check out our testimonial on our snoring page.  Please follow this link: http://www.gentle-dentists.co.uk/dental-treatments/snoring-solution

The above link also explains more how the appliance works.  If you are interested in our snoring treatment service in Manchester.  Why not come and see us for a free consultation with a dentist to discuss your problem.

About us:  Snoring Treatment service in Manchester offering a revolutionary appliance which stops snoring and increases energy levels.
